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Feeling Blessed Today 

Hello again,

I have to remind myself that I live a blessed life. I get to do what I love. I get to create art for a living. There are so many people who dread Mondays. I used to be at that exact moment of time four years ago working for a consulting company. I was a graphic designer and after 17 years of working for someone else, my whole body and soul screamed to get out almost every day. Paying the bills was a priority and working for a global company was a form of success that most people sought after. I drank the Cool-Aid too, until my chiropractor said, sitting in front of a computer 16 hours a day and not sleeping consistently was starting to kill me. That's when I knew I needed to go. I had to quit my 6-figure job (which I busted my butt to get to finally) to choose ME, MYSELF, and I instead. So yeah, tonight as I write this, I'm feeling blessed I made that decision to say goodbye to stress, BS, and no sleep. I said hello to Big Magic, welcomed the unknown, and looked forward to so many possibilities.

Until the next time...Follow your curiosity.

Much Love and Gratefulness,


My last day at Deloitte, handing in my ID card, and the biggest smile of FREEDOM!